Following a single complaint from our incoming server MX5 (which forwards no other mail into AOL); AOL in their wisdom have blocked the server:
554 CON:B1 The IP address has been blocked due to a spike in unfavorable e-mail statistics.
We are tmpfailing AOL's servers on MX5 so messages will be delivered to the alternative server and so we can still continue to report abuse to AOL. Here is the message in full (with some redaction) which we wish to report as spam:
We regularly send SPAM complaints to the AOL postmaster; prompted by e-mails such as this, sent by 08:27GMT today:
Attn: This is to officially inform you that your (ATM Card Pin number ) is : ****-****-****-3337) has been accredited in your favor. Your Personal Identification Number is 8221. The ATM Card Value is US$5,500,000.00. You are advice to contact me with the following information: Name, Address, Phone, Age, Sex, and Occupation. for more details, contact me via email (
Thank you,
Rev.Murray Richard
ATM Logistics Unit (ICB)
The reputation, according to AOL, of the server in question is detiorating steadily (see picture), yet this prticular server relays no mail. All that is sent are ARF formatted reports about messages similar to the above.